Saturday, May 25, 2013

Chihuahua Dog Lovers : About Chihuahua Dogs Information

About Dog Breeds
About Dog Breeds
Chihuahua is highly energetic and lively and it is the smallest breed known to man. It is also the oldest breed of the American continent.
Chihuahua was originated in Mexico. The breed actually came from the ancient Techichi dogs when they were crossed with a hairless dog from the Orient.
This is one among the smallest dogs. In general, Chihuahua will weigh about 6 pounds and will be 9 inches high. It has a round head, short nose, and large ears. The coat of Chihuahua can be of several colors; but the most common ones include red, brown, tan and black.
Chihuahua with long hair has more grooming requirements than the short haired ones. The dogs with long hair should be brushed every alternate day. Taking proper care of the coat, keep your dog neat and healthy. On the other hand, Chihuahua with short hair needs brushing once a month.
Living conditions
Chihuahua is best suited for apartments. This dog loves to be in warmer climates and hates to be in colder climates. Even though it is a small dog, it needs more space in the apartment. Chihuahua gets irritated with kids. Thus, not idle for those families that have small kids. These dogs cannot mingle with other breed of dogs, but likes the company of other Chihuahuas.
Remember not to keep the dogs out in the sun light for a longer time as they can also suffer from heart attacks.
Health concerns
Chihuahua is liable to develop several eye problems. It is a good idea to take your dog to the Veterinarian and get it checked on regular basis. Few other problems include cold, gum problems and slipped stifle. Fractures are also possible. This type of dog breed can also suffer from low blood sugar.
It’s not very easy to train Chihuahuas. This type of breed should be immediately given house training as soon as you adopt the dog. It has very short attention span. Thus, avoid training for longer periods of time.
All Chihuahuas should be socialized at a very early age. Socialization is important as it should know the behaviour accepted in the human society. This training also helps the dog to know what is good and what is bad.
Other part of training is to make it learn the obedience commands. These commands include sit, stand, stay, come, etc. In other breed of dogs, it is very easy to make them learn the commands but it is not the case in Chihuahuas.
Chihuahuas respond well when you give them any rewards. Do not beat them or be lenient when they do anything wrong in the training session. Be confident when you give commands to your Chihuahua.
Remember training should be fun to both the owner and the Chihuahua. 

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